Oil Paintings
There are so many styles and finishes one can achieve with oil painting, here's an extreme close up of something so you can see the texture and subtle brushwork of one of my more contemporary pieces.
Whether for private enjoyment, conservation by museums or film set dressing, derivative works can be crafted with great accuracy and attention to detail, there is also the additional flexibility of producing work in different sizes or with extra embellishments to the originals.
I have completed a number of paintings in the manner of Raphael, Turner, Monet, Da Vinci, Bouguereau, Vermeer, Carlo Dolci, Jules Cave and many more. The image beneath is a close up of The Starry Night after Van Gogh, which I painted in 2020.
Works on Paper
Charcoal and graphite drawings, pastel, gouache and watercolour carried out upon request.
Depending on the finish required, designs can be painted on linen and canvas of various textures and roughness. Other options are painting directly onto wooden panels or aluminium supports.
Non-fungible tokens
Artwork can transcend both digital and physical mediums, the abstract graphic on the right was created in real life, digitally modified, and uploaded to the blockchain. This logo redesign placed in the top ten of the first major contest held by the top crypto currency exchange in the world at that time. Although the exchange, FTX is now defunct, the NFT endures.